Dealing with Diabetes could Lead to these Complications, says Hanid Audish, DO

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While a diabetes diagnosis will permanently change a patient’s diet and daily routine, having to worry about glucose levels and insulin injections isn’t the end of it. Complications caused by diabetes are wide-ranging and ignoring the warning signs can make an unfortunate situation far worse. Hanid Audish, DO, principal investigator for clinical research with Encompass Clinical Research, says that something as severe as limb amputation is all too common when diabetes treatments are not properly adhered to. His previous work with Downey Regional Medical Center and the Doctors’ Hospital Medical Center of Montclair gave this board-certified and licensed medical expert first-hand contact with those suffering from the fallout of diabetes. As such, he recommends the following measures to keep diabetes under control and avoid the health problems that can crop up over time.

Diabetes, in either type I or II, is centered around insulin and how the body either improperly responds to it or uses it incorrectly. Cells will either stop absorbing sugar or the body will simply stop producing insulin. Both types of diabetes are highly dangerous if left unchecked so Hanid Audish, DO suggests readers who suspect they may have problems related to the condition see their primary care doctor. Below, we’ll explore additional issues that patients should keep in mind.

Damaged nerves: According to the Mayo Clinic, diabetic neuropathy can result from diabetes (read: high blood glucose) and it commonly affects one’s legs and feet. “Depending on the affected nerves, diabetic neuropathy symptoms can range from pain and numbness in your legs and feet to problems with your digestive system, urinary tract, blood vessels and heart,” the Mayo Clinic advises readers. These could morph into serious medical concerns so consistent effort toward blood sugar management can help keep conditions under control.

Kidney complications: Kidneys take the waste out of our blood so their significance should be easily understood. Hanid Audish, DO says that diabetes will cause kidneys to improperly filter our blood and, as a result, cause the blood vessels inside to eventually become ineffective. This will eventually lead to kidney disease and the loss of protein that leaves the body via urine can have additional detrimental effects.  Full-on kidney failure takes time, according  to, so preventative measures like lowering one’s blood pressure through a healthy diet and exercise – or taking ACE inhibitors – are options to consider.

Hope for the future: Hanid Audish, DO’s line of work sees him performing Phase 2-4 clinical trials that mainly pertain to the primary care arena. These trials are part of the process to develop new forms of treatment and websites like provides up-to-date information about concurrent efforts. For example, a study that’s currently recruiting volunteers aims to study the effect a personalized diet has on “blood glucose control in individuals with diabetes as compared with ADA diet.” It is clinical research like this that can prove life-changing if positive findings are discovered and Hanid Audish, DO is hopeful for this project and others like it.